Logo Grotte marine e noleggio gommoni Vieste
Logo Grotte marine e noleggio gommoni Vieste Logo Grotte marine e noleggio gommoni Vieste Logo Grotte marine e noleggio gommoni Vieste

The Sea Caves of the Gargano

An extraordinary tour aboard the Desirèe motorboat

The sea, a family passion

Our business was born from the love for the sea. A passion handed down from father to son who wrote an important story for our family, but also for the Gargano. In fact, to discover the first of the splendid Sea Caves of the Gargano was, in 1954, Michele Trimigno, father of Graziano and grandfather of Francesco and Michele, who still today they carry on the family tradition with love.

Since then other marine cavities were found that concealed further wonders of the Gargano coast. And it was always Michele Trimigno, a few years later, who showed the beauty of the Gargano coast to the president of Eni, Enrico Mattei, who was struck by the splendid bay of Pugnochiuso.

Logo Grotte marine e noleggio gommoni Vieste

There, for his will, the first large holiday center of the Gargano that he marked was built a decisive turning point for the tourist economy of the area. Since then the Sea Caves have become an obligatory stop for every tourist who lands on the Gargano.